Friday, July 23, 2010

Had a lot of problems whith the last 2 deliverables of the lab. Map kept crashing on me, and I couldn't reopen it for awhile after the crashes. Finally got some results with Amber's method of opening a new map and adding only DEM and Ortho image.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 8: Washington D.C.

No problem with this lab until Map 5 (above). It took me a long time to get the data in a format I could work with. Of the 77 juvenile arrests in Aug 2009, only 29 were actual drug offenses. It would also appear that the drug policy is working*, as only 7 of the 130 schools ( approx 5%) in the entire DC area had juvenile related drug arrests in August 2009.
*For more accurate results, I feel that all drug arrests should be considered (not just juvenile). Also, a comparison would need to be made from before drug policies came into play.